Our Story

At Beacon of Hope Wellness Center for Cancer Support, Inc., our mission is deeply rooted in personal experiences. As the founder, my journey with cancer, marked by the loss of loved ones and my own battles, fuels my unwavering dedication to supporting those affected by this disease.

Losing my father, sister, brother, three nieces, and a nephew to this relentless disease – cancer – has left an indelible mark on my life. Yet, amidst the pain and sorrow, I stand as a survivor—a 26-year breast cancer survivor currently battling multiple myeloma. It's a journey fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but it has also granted me profound gratitude for every precious moment.

At BoH, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive range of no-cost programs and services. Our mission is to be a beacon of hope, strength, and resilience for every individual touched by cancer, believing in “Thriving with Cancer through Sharing and Caring.”

Despite my battles, I consider myself blessed. I am blessed to have been diagnosed early in my fight with cancer, blessed to be here still today, and blessed to have the opportunity to turn my pain into purpose. I believe that God has entrusted me with a calling to serve as a beacon of hope for others traversing the often-tumultuous terrain of cancer.

This deep-seated belief in the power of hope and the importance of support drives me to establish Beacon of Hope Wellness Center for Cancer Support, Inc. My journey has illuminated the immense need for comprehensive, compassionate care for individuals and families grappling with cancer. Our nonprofit aims to provide a sanctuary where individuals can find comfort, guidance, and fellowship as they navigate their cancer journey.

Every program, initiative, and outreach effort at Beacon of Hope is infused with empathy and understanding from lived experiences. Our board members, who have all dealt with cancer firsthand while assisting their family members, know the fear, uncertainty, and sense of loneliness that can accompany a cancer diagnosis. This personal connection drives our passion and work, offering a beacon of hope to those in need.

Join us in building a community united in compassion and unwavering support. Together, we will journey toward healing, empowerment, and transformation, demonstrating that we are stronger than cancer. Let us create a brighter future filled with health, vitality, and joy, where every individual thrives with cancer through the power of sharing and caring.